Review, Split in a small portion, and Play a track point-by-point

Written by Massimiliano Picchi
Updated 3 years ago

Waterspeed for iPhone and iPad offers you a powerful tool to review your tracks (saved with any device).

Click on Diary, then choose an activity to review. A page with details, statistics and a map will appear. The map will show you: Start point (green), Endpoint (blue), Max Speed point (red), and, if present, where you started the countdown.

The countdown track is cyan-colored. The navigation activity shows different colors based on speed.

To review the track, use one of the below tools:

  • Speed slider: slide a finger to the right or left to move among points, to see Speed, Heading, Heart rate, and Time.
  • Split button: to view a part of the track, for example, to avoid overlays, click on Split. It will show a few points before and after the actual position, then move on points using one of the above methods.
  • Play: if you have purchased the PRO version, you can click on Play and see a simulation of your performance.

Click on 'v' button to see a full view map.

Please note: you can adjust your zoom with 2 fingers. The app will work accordingly.

Please note 2: you can choose a point on the map just by clicking on it with your finger.

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